Phillipa Copleston-Warren, 45, allegedly told the sobbing girlfriend to leave the house through the voice-controlled device and flashed his house lights off and on.
She also accessed her ex’s Facebook account and posted nude photos of him, leaving him feeling ‘violated’, it is claimed.
The businessman was at his Lincolnshire home at the time with a female friend after recently splitting with Copleston-Warren after a two year relationship.
Copleston-Warren appeared at Isleworth Crown Court via video-link from home, speaking only to confirm her identity and deny disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress.
Misba Majid, prosecuting, earlier said: ‘On October 5 the victim had returned home to the property with another female.
‘Somehow the defendant had managed to hack into the complainant’s Alexa whilst they were at the property.
‘The defendant spoke through the Alexa account to tell the complainant’s friend in the property to leave and to take her stuff.
‘She also used the Alexa to turn the lights on and off. This so distressed the individual it caused her to cry and she left.
‘Later that day he received various different text messages about how the defendant was going to disclose photos, naked photos and upload them to his Facebook.
‘The defendant had hacked into the Facebook account and changed his password. She then sent text messages informing him that she had uploaded photos.’
Copleston-Warren allegedly said he had fathered two children out of wedlock on his Facebook account.
Judge Sarah Paneth told Copleston-Warren she would stand trial in August, adding: ‘Your trial date is very soon in fact, compared to many other people who are on bail.’
Copleston-Warren, of Paultons Square, Chelsea, denies disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress.
She was granted bail on condition not to contact the man or visit his Lincolnshire home ahead of her trial at Isleworth Crown Court on 23 August 2021.
Phillipa Copleston-Warren requested to “remove” the above article:
There are at least 9 points of inaccuracies of which I noted the points that were made and the inaccuracies
1) you wrote I denied hacking - I never denied as I was never questioned on it nor accused of it in formal court terms.
2) you wrote I caused his girlfriend to cry and leave - 2 issues one the court never mentioned she was a formal girlfriend, never mentioned she cried - only she was distressed and never mentioned her leaving the property
3) I am not a managment consultant - you wrote I am
4) you wrote nude pictures / videos - it was not videos and not plural - inaccurate
5) no mention by the prosecutor of multiple text threatening uploading - simply because there were not any - there was no intent
6) mention disclosing 2 children out of wedlock - simply not true only 1 was disclosed the other was in Muslim wedlock
7) no denial of hacking Facebook was made as I was not accused of hacking his Facebook - we had been engaged up until he broke my dogs back and all our things were shared
8)Other incorrect points - the woman was never called his partner - she was a girl “friend” he met for the first tome at 7pm that evening and was just visiting for the night - no mention of partner was made in court.
9) it was further untrue I reported to ask her to take her stuff ... she did not arrive with stuff. I may have asked her not to take my “stuff” but as I was in hypoglycaemia I doubt it. But the point is the mail editorial is factually incorrect and there was no mention about anyone’s stuff
10) I was not jilted nor bitter I was concerned about the abuse of my dog Hamid Khan Broke the back of and theft of my mothers jewellery - I had escaped the lincolnshire house and I had had to tell him to leave my flat in london on the morning this event happened where he had taken my dog with the broken back