Thanks to all who read and react to my Truth for the Youth Articles – These are meant to enlighten and you have every right to agree or disagree but, so far, All I have told you is true; whether, Brexit, COVID-19, Donald Trump or our own local Poli-tricks…
Nonetheless, while we have a Right to our Opinions, we have none to our own Facts - especially when so likely to mislead, damage or destroy our Children.
For those who choose to pose such a risk, please, note some simple corrections to your accusations:
* I was an At-Large Representative, Backbencher, Dual Minister and Opposition Member - not a District Representative.
* Whether in or out of Government, I never asked for Political Favours or Handouts at any point.
3. Yes; It is claimed that the Chief Minister removed me as Minister for not going along with some of their decisions but it is generally accepted that among these differences was my refusal to join in giving ourselves huge Monetary Increases at the Public’s expense – I still believe in my positions.
Furthermore, Records still show that any and every time I was removed from such posts were because I refused to go along with Corruption so, what we are dealing with now, is not really new and it requires no UK’s Commission of Inquiry to tell us that Politicians are Corrupt… What should be acknowledged is that our Civil Servants - who are really their Civil servants - are also quite corrupt in their own ways.
I may not be the only victim but, for 20+ years I have been victimised - not just by Politicians or Health, Immigration and Labour Departments but, by any one in Authority who seem to think, if they could beat me down and shut me up, they would be better able to do more damage to our People and Country… I go on because to abort the struggle is to kill the Mission and, the Goal to rescue our Youth takes priority.
Bringing Truth to the Youth requires no lies because many have seen, Town and Country Planning collude with others in the unjustified blocking of me building a Medical Complex to serve our People even when approval was granted by the Chief Minister’s Office… Recently, Inland Revenue forced me to pay the Maximum for a Leasehold Transaction although the Premier announced this as free for all BV-Islanders.
Ongoing Evidence show how, Land Registry indefinitely, dragged out the decision on a Squatter’s Case although the Squatters openly acknowledged their guilt… Furthermore, when the Squatters’ Legal Counsel gained a Senior Position within the Civil Service, the post and opportunity was used to unilaterally impose conditions to block me from using my Property while allowing the Squatters to continue the use.
The list of atrocities can go on and on but it’s not for you to feel sorry for me – This is to show how those in seats of Power use Corruption as a Normal Practice and their Sacred Right… I support no UK Invasion but Corruption is not in our best interest and it would be unwise to oppose a Commission of Inquiry… However, no Cleansing would ever be complete until and unless both Inside and Outside are fumigated.
In the Shadows of Empires, progress is seen as replacing Slave Trader with Pirate, Colony with Plantation and Foreign Master with Local Master - Through it all, the Nature of Man cries for Freedom and against the Practices of Beasts… Times are still rough and while we are lucky to escape this year’s Storms, pretending that this is due to our own Goodness or the love for us by others, is a Fool’s Dream.
As Children it was easy to dream of Tomorrows filled with Hope and Brighter Days… In the real World of Trickledown, our survival depends on how well we utilise the Hand-me-downs, Excesses and Disposables off others… Today, our Tomorrows’ Dreams are Nightmares of Doom and Gloom with: Spectres of Trump, New Strains of COVID-19, Political Corruption and the Disenfranchisement of Tomorrow’s Children.
Some say, we are just a-passing through and can only do what we do for a while, so, we should do the best we can while we can… Unfortunately, far too many leads us deep into Deserts and even if forced to admit their mistakes from haste, a lack of vision and failure to listen; it’s mostly Lip Service and we still pay the price as the Victims of Parasites, Hopeless Beggars and Strangers in our own Homes.
Today, our Values are at risk even as we face Challenges like never ever before – We are taught Wrong before experiencing Right and, may never learn that Corruption is no Virtue and must be defeated in order to save Humanity… However, ‘To be forewarned is to be forearmed’ and, as a People who braved the edges of Hell and still stood Strong and walked Tall, there is no doubt that we can do so again.
PS: Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments onLive BVP Radio Programmes