This shows the degree to which Apartheid-israel has infiltrated the USA.That was already on display while President Truman illegaly recognized the Apartheid-Regime as a "State" in the Ancient Country of Palestine, while massacreing the People of Palestine. And again in 1967 while attempting to sink our USS-Liberty Ship planned and collaborated with the traitor Prez LBJ, McNamara, et al murdering 34 American Naval Sericemen in the attempt to, wrongfully blame the attack on the Arabs, to coverup israels execution of over 2000 Egyptian POWs violating the Geneva Convention, and Invasion of the Golan Heights. And again in the planned demolition of the NY-towers where Apartheid Israel's Mossad and American Zionist Criminal Neocons & P.N.A.C. members of Prez George Bush, Dick Cheney government committed a Coup d' Etat in their planned attack and demolition of the New York Towers on 9/11. Then illegal wars, invasions and military interventions in 24 Sovereign Countries, killing over 800,000 Innocents, displacing people causing 37-59 Million Refugees and costing the American taxpayers over $6.4 Trillion Dollars. And the Aparteid-entity israels export of gestapo methods of, use of force, crowd control, & surveillance to any government stupid enough to buy into its use.
In the usa the US-Israel "Police Exchange Training Programs" causing riots in the US due to its, "Widespread Constitutional Violations. Discriminatory enforcement, And a Culture of Retaliation"- quoted from the d.o.j. the Department of Justice.
In the usa the US-Israel "Police Exchange Training Programs" causing riots in the US due to its, "Widespread Constitutional Violations. Discriminatory enforcement, And a Culture of Retaliation"- quoted from the d.o.j. the Department of Justice.