The rules state if you live in a tier two (high risk) or tier three (very high risk) area, you will not be able to stay overnight at someone else’s house.
You are not permitted to mix households indoors, whether it is in a private home or public venue unless the other person is in your support or childcare bubble.
Couples are still allowed to stay at each other’s home overnight if they’re in an ‘established relationship’.
It is not clear exactly what the Department of Health mean by ‘established’, but guidance also says those in the ‘early stages of a relationship’ should take extra precautions to follow social distancing.
The guidelines say: ‘If you intend to have close contact with someone, you should discuss how you can help to prevent risks of transmission as a couple, for example, by ensuring you are both avoiding close contact with people you do not live with.’
Government guidelines updated in September reversed a June decision on household mixing that made it illegal for people who do not live together to have sex.
It’s also still possible for those living in a tier two area to stay overnight in a tier-one area and vice versa, but the Government has advised against it.
London is set to move into tier two on Friday night.
The regions currently in tier two include: Cheshire, Derbyshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Leicester, the North East of England, Nottingham, South Yorkshire, Warrington, the West Midlands and West Yorkshire.