The BVI Ports Authority is a revenue generating entity and the fees collected represent 100% of its budget.
"BVIPA is required to examine its cost to operate and recommend adjustments to its fee structure to ensure the economic sustainability of the Authority," said Claude Kettle, Director of Finance.
"These overdue adjustments in select fees are necessary to efficiently and properly operate and further develop our Territory's port facilities."
The amendment to the port fees ensures that the Authority can continue to meet the cost of its payroll, improvement and modernising of its technology, operations and to accomplish the Authority's robust infrastructure development plans.
This amendment was made effective December, 18, 2020. However, Ag. Managing Director, Oleanvine Maynard said "The BVI Ports Authority is applying a grace period for full implementation until 1st March, 2021 to ensure the public has the opportunity to become familiar with the new fees."
After this date, all payments must reflect the new fees established by the amendment.
In 2008, there was a partial adjustment to the fee structure, specifically, harbour charges in the British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 2008.
The revised British Virgin Islands Port Authority fees which came into effect on December, 18, 2020 can be viewed