Brexit Party Tour - Feisty Ann Widdecombe Attacks Enemy Territory
ANN WIDDECOMBE sparked thunderous applause among supporters as she warned Boris Johnson the Brexit Party will "volley and thunder" around him should he fail to stay true to their pledge to deliver Brexit in October.
TRANSCRIPT (computer generated):
Hello everyone
wake up everyone hello what do we want
to say to the EU goodbye
that's right and we want to say goodbye
in a complete fashion we do not want
some souped-up version of Teresa may
surrender document
oh I'm not supposed to use the word
surrender it upsets the poor little
dears it makes them feel threatened but
what do you call it when you surrender
the power to decide what happens in your
own country to a foreign power what is
that if not surrender
so if they don't like the word surrender
they should stop surrendering
and then they wouldn't have to sit and
listen to that word but that is what
they have been doing for the last three
years in 2016-17 point four million
people in this country voted to leave
they did they didn't vote to half leave
they didn't vote to just take back a
couple of powers they voted to leave and
they fought by that that they meant that
Britain was taking back control of her
own laws her own borders her own trade
deals and was going to be governed by
her own democratically elected
that is what leave me
there's another word they don't like
they don't like the word betrayal what
do you call it when politicians say that
they will respect the result of the
referendum and then spend three years
trying to do the exact opposite if that
is not a betrayal of a promise what is
so we're not just tossing words around
those words surrender and betrayal
have real meaning in the context in
which we are using them and our message
to those wimps at Westminster is really
very straightforward they have a choice
either Britain leaves the EU or we will
make sure that they leave Westminster
and that is why we're ready for the
general election it can't come soon
enough for us
because that is the way that we shall
finally ensure that we you return to
Westminster people who respect democracy
people who are determined to implement
rather than ignore the clearly expressed
will of the people
and it is that one word democracy which
is why I joined the brexit party
I am almost as old as the brexit party
it was hardly formed when I stood by a
Norwegian Fjord and I crossed the
rubicon and I changed the allegiance of
55 years and I rang up Nigel Faraj
he sounded surprised
but here we are now after 25 weeks with
enormous election victories behind us
with tremendous energy with huge support
storming ahead and rising in poll after
poll here we are after just 25 weeks and
that more than anything else
German straits how angry and frustrated
and fed up Britain is with the current
we have a shambles of a parliament a
it is a parliament that is divorced from
the people it is a parliament that
regards this business as hampering
overturning the government the
government itself is at war with the
everywhere you look we have the worst
Parliament since the Civil War
and I do not exaggerate me and the
danger of delay is not just the very
practical danger that British business
can't get on and make plans that British
farmers can't make plans that British
fishermen can't make plans it isn't just
the prolongation of uncertainty time
after time after time it is also
promoting this delay terrible divisions
in our country and those divisions will
be healed when we have gone on and
delivered brexit and can get back to
worrying about the NHS the education
system law and order on our streets
that is when the healing process will
begin and it should have begun three
years ago we should have very very
simply said we are going instead of
which we spend two years saying please
may we leave we never needed their
permission to leave
and we should have said right at the
start we are going and until we have
concluded a satisfactory trade deal then
we are not paying a single penny in any
divorce money
no I do not know where the Boris really
means it when he says we are going on
the 31st of October but if he does mean
it and even more important than that if
he can really achieve it and if he
achieves it with a clean break then we
the brexit party will do all we can to
make sure that he is able to carry that
but if he doesn't then he is going to
find that the next general election for
him will be like leading the charge of
the Light Brigade brexit to write of him
brexit to left of him brexit in front of
him bullying and wandering
and we mean it we have the candidates in
place we are ready whenever the general
election comes so when we call out
tonight that we are ready we are not
just saying that to the nation we're not
just saying it to ourselves it is a
solemn warning to Westminster heed the
people or go and we will make sure that
you do
so we're gonna leave and when we say
leave we mean leave Theresa may still is
not leaving that is not leaving and if
that's what we end up with we're going
to be around causing trouble for a very
long time to come
so my message to Parliament is this here
the people heed the people obey the
people which is what you said you would
do and make sure that your children and
your children's children grow up in our
free independent proud Britain which is
what we should all be campaigning for so
oh we already
well they heard that outside but they
didn't quite hear it at Westminster are
we ready