Even though we welcome investors, it is time to let them know where the [British] Virgin Islands needs to grow. Building more hotels is not a priority at this time.
We need to keep the Islands unique not clustered. Instead, find ways they can partner with us, such as our local hoteliers who have unfinished buildings yet to open. With the right contacts, our youngsters will be intrigued by careers in pro-sports and entertainment with international exposure.
From the mid 90's, our top paid public servants should have been trained to branch off into small businesses, making room for the less fortunate in our community. Governments have a tendency to give more money to the already settled employee or retiree.
These individuals don't even open a candy shop in return. We must bring forward the unknown with the known. Seeking out the status quo to work alongside you, with the perception of looking good, is not always the answer.
Bringing baggage into the HoA that a next party did should not be made topics. We were taught not to waste time and money. Come fresh, keep it fresh.
The position of the governor and chief of police being white is history. There have no disorderly conduct for the years they are coming here. We must refrain from the name-calling and colonial remarks.
Serving in this capacity must be with integrity, not what THE EYES want to see. While they are here our leaders should sit and have talks about moving security to the next level. The UK army or navy should not be on standby any more, but be a yearly part of us, while rotating their workers on three month's intervals.
Locals at the same time would be training in these fields. The world is not friendly to us any more, we need to keep our guards up at all times. God knows one day they will give us our own ship.
In an area where a ministry is not moving fast enough, the Premier should finance the board of directors to carry out the duties. This would alleviate the strain off ministers and help to complete portfolios in a timely manner. Examples are college bachelor programmes and advanced medical training.
Adding twenty-four hours, medical and dispatch services, in distant and peak communities. Our senior citizens' advice is usually overlooked, they should be included in your decision making. Civil servants, in general, is the driving force behind any governing body.
Some of them hide behind their achievements without doing their work. Be genuine in your position, return calls and follow up on the people's business in order to have a moving society.
Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. Romans: 12: 16. As you continue in your journey, you must take up common sense when presented to you.
The answer is not changing party every term. The question is can thirteen people manage this country? The key is to prove that you will be the true Game Changers. Looking forward for impact.