I would rather pay more for my petrol and be in a recession than be in Ukraine being terrorised by a maniac like Putin which I hope will help to get rid of him and everyone like him to make the world a safer place for everyone and future generations. a small price to pay don't you think.
Marlene Alison Jones3 year ago
US citizens complaining about what they pay for a gallon of petrol for what we are paying for a Litre in UK ????? unbelievable !!!!! they don't know when they are well off and are always complaining instead OF doing something about it. US gov gets 50c for every gallon Uk Gov gets 59p every litre !!!!!!!!! who is getting ripped off here?
Oh ya3 year ago
Hey libtards how do you like gas prices nowadays? Just wait it still will go higher. You will love $8 a gallon all the while the US economy is sliding into a recession.