US secretly building airport in Syria near oil field (Full show)
Critics allege that the continuing US presence in Syria, which will soon include a permanent airport, is all so US interests can plunder oil to which they have no legitimate claim
Then RT America’s Alex Mihailovich joins Rick Sanchez to break down the history of Washington’s meddling in the troubled country. Then former Pentagon official Michael Maloof and former naval intelligence officer John Jordan share their insights.
RT America’s Faran Fronczak joins to discuss the immense profits being made for pharma giants like Moderna from publicly-funded research and the legal loopholes that allow for them.
Deputy White House Secretary TJ Ducklo has been suspended and later resigned after threatening to “destroy” a female Politico reporter investigating his romantic relationship with an Axios reporter. “On Contact” host Chris Hedges joins Rick Sanchez to discuss the implications.
Plus, New research has yielded key evidence linking Stonehenge, built in 3000 BC, with the earlier stone circle named Waun Mawn. Analysis of Waun Mawn reveals that it may be the oldest known stone circle in Britain, dating from about 3400 BC. RT America’s Trinity Chavez explains the revelation.