Britain and Hungary Share the Same Vision of Europe
Britain and Hungary share vision of Europe involving free cooperation of sovereign nation states without an overcentralized EU, MEP Balázs Hidvéghi said.
Hidvéghi said during the interview with journalist Adam Boulton that he believed the main reason for Brexit was that the Brits were not happy with how the EU was moving forward. He added that Hungary had always looked upon Britain with great respect for its history and for its stance in international affairs. While Hungary regretted to see the UK leave the EU, it is very important to maintain bilateral relationships, he said.
Hungary and the UK are allies in NATO and in the Council of Europe, where Hungarian representatives share a party group with the Tory party, he said.
Commenting on illegal migration, Hidvéghi said “when we talk about human rights it has to be talking about the human rights of all the people, not only migrants but also of European citizens”.
“I’m glad to see that European leaders, including Brussels leaders, are now saying the lines and opinions that Mr Orbán was saying six years ago,” he said. “Back at that time he was very much criticized by a lot of people,” he added.
Migration policy has to reflect reality, Europe cannot continue letting in hundreds and thousands or millions of illegal migrants, he said.
“We have to reestablish border control (…) and then we can talk about how each member state should decide what they want to do about migrants,” he added.
“That has to remain a member state decision and Brussels cannot dictate to us in what kind of country we want to live in,” Hidvéghi said.