Meta has announced new voice options for its AI chatbot, featuring Dame Judi Dench and John Cena. CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed additional features like photo recognition and new AR glasses. Meta's AR glasses prototype, Orion, was also unveiled alongside the Quest 3S headsets.
Instagram owner Meta announced that Dame Judi Dench and John Cena will be new voice options for its AI chatbot.
Users can also interact with AI versions of Awkwafina, Keegan-Michael Key, or Kristen Bell.
This was revealed during the annual Connect conference by CEO
Mark Zuckerberg.
Meta aims to make voice interaction more natural and also introduced features like photo recognition and image editing.
Over 400 million people use Meta AI monthly.
Additionally, Meta showed its new AR glasses prototype, Orion, and the entry-level Quest 3S mixed-reality headsets starting at three hundred dollars.
Despite a recent hoax about AI data usage on
Facebook and Instagram, Meta confirmed legitimate ways to object to such data use.