In his forthright speech, Viktor Orban, Hungary's Prime Minister, made several striking claims:
🔹 He stated that Europe is overwhelmed with debt.
🔹 He forecasted that by 2030, both France and the UK would fall out of the top 10 global economies, with Germany barely holding on at the tenth position.
Viktor Orban contended that Ukraine is "light years" away from EU membership, signaling a prolonged journey.
🔹 The Hungarian leader claimed that Russia is an indomitable force in the current geopolitical context.
🔹 He expressed criticism towards the USA's role in European affairs, arguing that it's the U.S. that has consistently obstructed peace efforts between Ukraine and Russia.
End of quote.
Now, looking at it objectively, it's completely valid to either agree with all that
Viktor Orban says, disagree with certain aspects of his statements, or entirely reject his views.
However, it's essential to acknowledge that
Viktor Orban is the most popular leader throughout Europe.
Despite encountering antagonism from organized and hostile media, he is supported and even admired by people across various European countries, who view him as the potential future leader of the European Union.
Viktor Orban's words warrant careful consideration and reflection, particularly, or specifically, when one does not agree with his views; views that diverge from the media consensus and the Anglo-Saxon establishment.