London Daily

Focus on the big picture.
Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025

Voter Fraud Is Taking Place, Chair of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor

Voter Fraud Is Taking Place, Chair of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor

Chaiman Trainor is hidden by big medias like CNN an ABC, while commissioner Weintraud is supported by them.
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Carl Beam 4 year ago
Sick flagrant communist attempt to take away our freedom and country.
Democrats root burn shoot and rape their way to be bigots thieves thugs and rapist
This is not the American Way
This is sick tyranny and destroying
Good hard working fellowmans homes sweat and blood lives and freedom!
Wake up is this really what you are ?
God forbid and have mercy on all of us ✝️🚀🙏✝️
Mark Martin 4 year ago
In Pennsylvania, 165k registered Republicans were sent absentee ballots - NONE show they were recorded as having voted.
When checking with a sample, 1706 were contacted.
* 576 said they never requested ballots.
* 1137 said they did request them.
* * 453 said they returned the ballots yet the state shows none of them voted.
George Washington 4 year ago
This guy is a Trump stooge.
Anton 4 year ago
Can you say 'Dominion' hardware, software, and backdoor tampering (The Patch)..

Developed in Cuba, Venezuela, with several shell company front organizations - ALL connected to VOTER FRAUD on a global scale in the past?

How many other voting machine companies use the Dominion software?

Who's involved you ask? Who's getting kickbacks, state to state? Who is connected to George Soros and company, with 'Biden Inc' - 'Obama Inc', and 'Clinton Inc'??

Why the hurry-up mantra from the 'LEFTISTST & COMMUNISTS' for President Trump to concede?

I have had a belly full of this, and more than half of America has as well. I have questions, and so do they..

To quote a movie line from many years ago; 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore'..

Another movie line from 'Top Gun'.. 'I want some butts, and I want some butts NOW!'..
Jim Sechrest 4 year ago
There is now solid evidence of fraud and corruption that has impacted vote counting to a significant extent. Trey Trainor mentions specific aspects of this. Court cases on this are also before Federal Courts in several states. The Supreme Court is where this is all headed.
David 4 year ago
If every swing state run by Republicans had Biden in the lead on election day only to have almost nothing but Trump votes appear in the following days and election officials refused to allow any oversight, the leftist media would be talking about it nonstop.

But because these abnormalities were entirely one sided for Biden, the left wants you to be quiet and accept what they tell you.
Rico 4 year ago
He said, she said. And yet not one shred of concrete evidence. If he's sooooooo sure, let him resign in protest like others have done when told to do something unlawful.
Bill 4 year ago
Mr. William Tipton, how can I believe you when you can't even spell loser (looser). Just hot air with no evidence or proof. You are not after the truth but a blind loyalist. Do some work to get to the truth. Read up, research, etc rather than just tune in to Fox & Friends.
David Bearclaw 4 year ago
Is this a real person with a real job with ethical as well as moral character. I couldn't tell ya, but after reading about Trainor's work in our only research vehicle available during covid I found he has a sterling record as a public servant in govt. His voice does count!

It is the job of the press to investigate and prove him false or misleading if he is a phoney, expose him. Do not censor his legitimate comments about a position that he holds.

I believe Donald Trumps changes to government have not helped support the cornerstones of America. His education and environmental policies certainly conflict with my own views and voted Harris-Biden. But the press censoring the president is wrong in a democratic nation or a constitutional republic. Which is what America really is. That is why the constitution is always under attack. The gun makers know that the anti gun majority has to change the constitution before changing gun laws.
Let Trump exercise his 1st Amendment right like every other citizen and say whatever he likes. Most believe him a liar! That was proven by the election. Let him spend his fortune with lawyers and lawmakers, if the voting process is and was legitimate he will be forced to leave office.

Then he will look like a bigger arse than he does now. Let it play and the victory will be that much sweeter. These kind of posts below are ridiculous. It seems tolerance has been replaced by heresy.
John 4 year ago
Mr. Williams, copy writer poor you person, is that the best you can doo???🤷‍♂️
Just follow all the other low level Trump losers with a below iq, how do you think he was able to fool all these dummies?
Well, simply because you all have less than a grade 9 education.
Sorry Mr. Williams, start thinking for yourself, that will serve you much better in life, good luck with your struggles anyways.😊👍
JOE BIDEN is a “Looser”, Period.

JOE BIDEN is a “Proven Looser”, just look at his records.

Also, JOE BIDEN is a “little boy LOOSER”, the way he acts.

JOE BIDEN IS a little spoiled boy, that’s it.

We all do not want anymore “little looser”, JOE BIDEN period, JOE BIDEN is hurting USA, JOE BIDEN is only in business for JOE BIDEN and not for the citizens of USA.

Please look at and face all the destruction JOE BIDEN has inflicted on USA and help safe USA from JOE BIDENS failures.

Please help safe our country.
God bless America.
John 4 year ago
Trump is a “Looser”, Period.

He is a “Proven Looser”, just look at his records.

Also, he is a “little boy LOOSER”, the way he acts.

Just a little spoiled boy, that’s it.

We all do not want anymore “little looser”, Trump period, he is hurting USA, he is only in business for himself and not for the citizens of USA.

Please look at and face all the destruction he has inflicted on USA and help safe USA from his failures.

Please help safe our country.
God bless America.
JOE BIDEN is a “Looser”, Period.

JOE BIDEN is a “Proven Looser”, just look at his records.

Also, JOE BIDEN is a “little boy LOOSER”, the way he acts.

JOE BIDEN IS a little spoiled boy, that’s it.

We all do not want anymore “little looser”, JOE BIDEN period, JOE BIDEN is hurting USA, JOE BIDEN is only in business for JOE BIDEN and not for the citizens of USA.

Please look at and face all the destruction JOE BIDEN has inflicted on USA and help safe USA from JOE BIDENS failures.

Please help safe our country.
God bless America.
Joe Biden Won. Stop Lying. 4 year ago
Joe Biden out fundraised and outspent Trump. Joe Biden presented actual policies and plans not just a string of nonsensical superlatives. Joe Biden won by the popular vote by 5 million. Joe Biden flipped red states and took back blue states to give him the identical margin in the EC that DJT had in 2016.

Joe Biden won this in every way possible and will be the next president. There was no widespread fraud. Were there irregularities? Sure. There were 150 million+ votes cast. Was it widespread and organized? There is no evidence to support that. Period

Lil 4 year ago
Richard, I see more and more evidences now. I had trusted the system and never thought cheating would take place in America.
It’s time to face the reality. Dominion is a fraud system at large scale. Very sad sad America.
Emily 4 year ago
Big Fraud
Blake 4 year ago
It’s blatantly obvious. All those who hated trump hated him since before he won last time. Of course they want to think the majority of people out there feel like they do, but they don’t. Most people who voted for trump believe in democracy and the rule of law. Most who voted for biden believe in socialism and rebellion. It’s really that simple.
Manfred Stumpf 4 year ago
Brittany 4 year ago
The federal election commission official is telling you there is
Trey 4 year ago
There was no cheating. On either side. Multiple national and local agencies, as well as outside observers did not see vote fraud going on. This is the largest turn out in a hundred years for an election. One side won and the other didn't. It's a testament to America and Americans that even in the most divisive of times, Americans of all stripes voted fairly and conducted the vote fairly.
Bobby 4 year ago
The left will do whatever it takes to win; cheating isn't out of the question. They worship power, despise God, can't control their feelings and cry and pout like little children. We will expose this fraud and prove their corruption again.
NPC Says What? 4 year ago
Hey, Vickie Salasberry....say his name! He is your President and this is the FEC Chairman telling you there is fraud. You're just spewing ignorant hate. You can not be so ignorant that you trust the media more that the FEDERAL ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN! We are building America, we were doing better than under any Democrat Corporate Fascist before the plandemic. You get over it. It won't hurt and you will be better off in 4 years than under "Cop and Feel". Trust that. YOu don't even know why you hate him, you were told to hate him. Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.
Vickie Salasberry 4 year ago
Trump trump trump the man lost get over it let's build this America back again I need to stop trying to prove that there was no cheating no fraud but they're dumb enough to keep paying Millions to see if there's any fraud and they've been told about a hundred times there is none get over it
Bobby 4 year ago
Your grammar exposes your ignorance.
Richard B. Evans 4 year ago
Lil, Because you people. Trumpers are the ones thinking cheating is taking place. What stops people is they do not think cheating is taking place. The point is if there is cheating it is just as likely if not more likely the cheating is taking place for Trump. More likely since from Trumper's POV there are more supporters of Trump than Biden, hence making the odds more likely it is Trump supporters cheating.
Hoppelmann 4 year ago
You are talking shit
Lil 4 year ago
If you think cheating might be from Trump supporters as well, you are welcome to show the evidences. No one stops you.
Rooster 4 year ago
said Ellen Weintraub, a Democrat and FEC commissioner. "Very few substantiated complaints, let me put it that way. There is no evidence of any kind of voter fraud. There is no evidence of illegal votes being cast." This from last Sat.
Damian 4 year ago
So what's to say that IF voter fraud IS happening, that it not being done by Trump supporters JUST AS MUCH as Biden supporters? Assuming that on some small scale there is and always has been a negligible amount of voter fraud taking place election after election, I'm sure Republicans and Democrats would be just as well-versed as each other in how to make it happen.

It's rather ignorant--especially considering the vigor of Trump's base--to think that voter fraud ONLY benefited Biden. How does the public know it wasn't also taking place in rural counties where the numbers are small, the communities are tight, and Republican supporters are loyal? In these same districts, it would be safe to assume that most local volunteer poll workers would also be Trump supporters, right? The track record likewise shows that Trump supporters will earnestly do "whatever it takes" to get and keep Trump elected, so it's safe to assume that includes cheating just as much as it includes fabricating lies about the election process. Had Trump won the election, would these very same people be making these same recount demands? Probably not. I would also assume Biden supporters would make the exact same claims had Trump won the election.

If y'all want to discuss voter fraud, let's at least do it without our red/blue glasses on, huh?
nuetral 4 year ago
True, voter fraud is likely perpetrated by both parties, has been noted for years actually. The thing is, there are things going on that are against statistical probabilities. For instance, at 3:30am in MI there is a time when zero votes were counted for about 40min. Then suddenly 138,000 votes came in. zero votes for trump, zero votes for the third candidate, 100% of those votes were for Biden. Another example is the 10:32 CNN live feed. The feed that networks show is a direct feed from the election commision, the ticker on the bottom is CNN controlled. At 10:32, live on television there were votes cast for Trump and Biden on the screen. At 10:33 the numbers had changed, Bidens numbers went higher. Thats fine, we would expect that. However, Trumps numbers went LOWER by the same amount. That live capture shows a switch in votes. There is film of voter workers filling out voting slips at the polling station the republican vote watchers were not allowed to attend in Nevada. So its many stories of one side sighting time and time again voter fraud, not one accusation by the dems. I get it, they won the election so why would they, but it does seem like a recount should be had.
Susan 4 year ago
SM - but you can clearly see that the “damaged” ballot is not damaged at all, and who is confirming that the person filling out the “replacement” ballot is not just filling in Biden (oops) on all of them? Makes me think all the “damaged” ballots were Trump votes 🤔
SM 4 year ago
It has been explained that he is completing a new ballot to replace a damaged ballot. The woman across from him is reading off the original ballot and he is completing a new one. A perfectly legitimate and authorized action to make sure all votes get counted.
Jon Jones 4 year ago
Trump submitted to 3 years of investigations under the Russian Investigation, the Federal Government used 20 Anti-Trump Lawyers and spent $40m. They found no evidence of collusion. He did this to be transparent, instill confidence and assure the American people of his integrity. Now it’s Joe Biden’s turn to do the same. Let’s find 20 Anti-Biden lawyers, spend $40m and see what we find. It will be earth shattering.
TruthTalker 4 year ago
Plenty was found...Trump is going to jail! That is why he has each of you minions working so hard to create confusion in hopes he can destroy evidence. A conservative is a dummywith two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward.
winston 4 year ago
Trumps going to jail ljust ike Hillary was supposedly going to jail.
*News Flash* - Nobody's Going To Jail!
david dauria 4 year ago
Test election by taking one county & redo election. Why not?
Mike 4 year ago
Interesting how the US touts its integrity and forces its ideology on other countries but they themselves have fraudulent elections and push a candidate like biden, who is corrupt and has taken money from foreign powers.
NanaK52 4 year ago
Mike: how does the US “force its ideology” on other countries??? And over half of our nation intensely disliked Biden! And as a Christian, I acknowledge that what the Bible says is totally true: “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked! Who can understand it?” (Jer. 17:9). So, every person has an innate corruption and only Jesus Christ can solve this deepest issue! And, this will only happen fully when He comes again in glory as The King of Kings!
Damian 4 year ago
Nana... SRSLY? Read some history books before making such clueless commentary. Sheeesh
Beth Smith 4 year ago
All the Republicans are asking for is transparency in the process. The way the Democrats are protesting makes them look like they are in fact guilty of coercion and cheating. For the sake of the integrity of the election, any and all fraud allegations need to be investigated and resolved prior to declaring the official winner. Shame on the media for trying to force their projections as facts without allowing for due process of certification of the results. It's almost as if the media wants the US citizens to hate one another and cause further division. BOTH sides of the aisle should demand transparency in the electoral process, it isn't just about this election, it is about the integrity of all future elections. People are letting their hate for President Trump get in the way of common sense!
Simon Robinson 4 year ago
Trainor is chair and sole Republican Commissioner of the FEC. Simultaneously the sole Democrat Commissioner just sent this letter to the GSA - who are the ones who by federal law 'ascertain' the President-Elect -
Please read it.
Lisa 4 year ago
Dee and Others, It is inaccurate, as well as ignorant, to call citizens who support recounts "Trump syncophants". Those of us who have seen election irregularities with our own eyes had better join together in calling for hand recounts witnessed by observers from both parties or fair elections in this nation are a relic of the past. This has nothing to do with how we feel about Trump or Biden and everything to do with how we feel about our democracy.
Beth Smith 4 year ago
100% agree! This isn't just about THIS election, it is for the sake of the integrity of all future elections. People are so blinded by their hatred for President Trump that they refuse to see the bigger, more important picture.
Roberto A. Ojeda 4 year ago
Winning is the goal, BUT the way you won matter. What a shame for US to have a candidate like Biden and a Party like the Dems, trying to win the Presidency of US with a blatant fraud. In this way, maybe you can be elected, but you will never be the President for half of the Americans.
David Petrano 4 year ago
Post 9/11, truth is un-American. In the USA, election fraud, like false flag events as pretext to regime change wars are commonplace but unspoken.
Dee 4 year ago
Another of Trump’s sycophants. Don’t waste your time.
Clif Roberts 4 year ago
If you're not a US citizen, let me educate you real quick; Newsmax is worse than FOX news and OAN. They ONLY spread far right propaganda.
Dadof3 4 year ago
So the election fraud that happened by Democrats in Jersey that was invalidated because of fraud is just propaganda. Pennsylvania judges and Secretary of State changing
deadlines just before the election
And not getting legislative approval is just propaganda. Don’t think so.
Francisco Leyva 4 year ago
This is is and has been true face of the U.S Democratic party. Glad to see how they will be expose to the world.
Randy Tetzner 4 year ago
Trey Trainor is what the posh Brits would call a "wanker" our terms for him and Trump are not so posh.
HLe 4 year ago
This man can say whatever he wants but his job is only to take care of financial rule during the election not more or less. He has no power in the election results but the states themselves. Dec 14 is the final call when all the electoral college voters, chosen by their states, meet to cast their ballots. Anybody can file a complaint but the court will decide of its merit based on evidence and arguments. Until then no need to spread unfounded news because the court is the only federal agency to decide not the results but the recounts.
William Lemasters 4 year ago
There are supposed to be 6 members of the FEC made is 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats but currently has on 3
Sarah Stearman 4 year ago
Mr. Trainor is the Chair of the Federal Election Commission.
Joseph 4 year ago
Wrong Tim Smith, this man works as the Chairman of the FEC in a federal capacity. There isn’t the an FEC for Texas. He was born in Texas, but serves as the FEC Chairman for all 50 states.
The FEC has the ability to conduct investigations, report misconduct to law enforcement, pursue settlements with candidates, and bring a civil action in court to enforce campaign finance regulations
Angie Knoll 4 year ago
Tim Smith, you are incorrect according to the FEC website
Tim Smith 4 year ago
Just to be clear. This guy is the chair of FEC for Texas only.
Angie Knoll 4 year ago
You are incorrect. Here is a link to the FEC website. Scroll down and you will see the members with "chair" next to his name.
JOSEPH 4 year ago
You’re actually incorrect. The role as FEC Chairman is federal. He has jurisdiction of all 50 states.
H Le 4 year ago
He is chairman of FEC but his role is only to make sure that financial rule is followed by the candidates. Nothing to do with election result.
Beth Smith 4 year ago
WRONG please educate yourself
Thomas Moseid 4 year ago
First thing to understand is that to find truth you must search for it. The corporate media only releases what they want us to believe.
Suz 4 year ago
Having evidence is one thing, there are rules in order to present that evidence. A win in PA today because evidence was allowed to be presented. Be patient, all the evidence be will come out.
Antonio 4 year ago
What is wrong with this madness. I am neither Republican or Democrat, but I am getting tired of the chatter on voter fraud. If there was any inkling of the truth then it would have been exposed. Do you honestly think that with the majority of the country being Republicans that the democrats can steal an election?
Joe Mama 4 year ago
Antonio. Not a Democrat? Why lie? Well Antonio, hundreds of sworn affidavits and 5000+ incident reports of EYEWITNESSES accounts of voter fraud is considered more than CHATTER.
Dee 4 year ago
Lies. Every lawsuit is being dismissed. No evidence whatsoever. Just noise to feed the ego of the big Orange baby.
Sherry 4 year ago
No that’s a lie. Trump team only submitted 3 law suits. They got what they want for one of them so they withdrew. Do some research and don’t trust Main Stream media
Dené Ballantine, PhD 4 year ago
John Arno- thanks for your respectful common sense. So refreshing!
nick 4 year ago
there is actually tons of 'evidence'. But evidence and proof are two different things, something you shithead leftists don't seem to understand. Mabey if we didn't spend so much time 'educating' our youth about stupid bullshit like critical race theory, then perhaps we would have more time to teach them shit that actually matters like critical thinking skills.
J 4 year ago
Actually the 2020 election was the most secure in American history. This is according to one of trump's own cabinet agencies, the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Many more republican party members will be coming forward in the coming days to declare Biden the undisputable victor.
rG 4 year ago
What a laughable crock of cnn induced horse dung
Dadof3 4 year ago
Cyber secure. Does not count fraud by other means.
Karyn M 4 year ago
The only title Biden should have at this point is "Media Elect" and not president elect!!
John Arno 4 year ago
I am sorry to add a dose of reality to some peoples' politically motivated opinions, but someone has to be the adult in the room.

The fact is, many lawsuits have been filed in several US District Courts, with more pending, which such lawsuits not only allege wrongdoing of a wide variety of types, but are supported with extensive, direct evidence; all of which is embodied in the filed documents. The truth of what has, or has not happened, will be fully vetted by the applicable federal courts. The courts will determine the voracity of every claim and adjudicate the merits of each case accordingly.

So in the final analysis, what anyone outside the District Courts beleives, or does not believe, is pointless opinion making and adds nothing to the facts. None of us have the depth and breadth of all the facts that have been allegedly investigated and determined since the election. The legal analysis of what such facts reveal, and the potential for criminal prosecutions that may follow for anyone participating in a scheme or conspiracy to defraud the voting system, is and will be within the purview of the US Department of Justice to determine, and for the appropriate courts of competent jurisdiction to adjudicate. The facts will speak for themselves. Facts are facts. Truth is truth. Direct, incontrovertible evidence is what it is.

Everyone needs to tone down the opinion making and insults based on personal political bias, or what they want to beleive. The truth, and the facts will be exposted, and the laws of each state, and if necessary, opinions of the Supreme Court, will facilitate the determination of what happens next. Take a deep breath and wait to see what happens in the courts. Not the court of public opinion, nor the court of the corporate-controlled mainstream media.

Every general election belongs to those Americians who took time to vote. That was the exercise of their absolute right to do so. That is when the voting public passes judgment on the people and issues presented in a ballot, to express what they think is the best way forward. All Americans who cast LEGAL votes are unquestionably entitled to have their vote counted, regardless of who or what they voted for, and not have their vote cancelled by an illegal vote. Yes, count ALL LEGAL VOTES.

IF it is in fact determined by the courts that fraud occured, those involved will deal with the consequences of their unfortunate actions. Our best hope, as Americans, in the interest of our greatest right--the right to elect our representatives to any government office--is that the voting process is open, fully disclosed, and respectful of everyone's right to their vote being lawfully counted. That's how it works in our democratic republic.

So let's all just take a deep breath, forbear the personal opinions and expressions of political bias, and let the process reveal whatever it may reveal. Let the authorities follow the evidence and let the appropriate courts make the determination as to any wrongdoing. Everyone is entitled to express themselves, and no one is ever wrong for that. But in these trying times, it seems discretion is the better part of valor.
Angie Knoll 4 year ago
Excellent post.
Lisa 4 year ago
Well said. Thank you.
J 4 year ago
trump and his allies have failed to provide any evidence of any substantial voting irregularities. Election officials from both parties in every state maintain there were no irregularities. Every poll before the election, democratic and republican alike showed Biden would emerge victorious. Biden is the president-elect and will become president on January 20, despite sore-loser trump's pathetic attempts at a coup.
Hoi Van Do 4 year ago
A ton of evidence will be revealed, you can wait for. Thanks
Joe Mama 4 year ago
Angie Knoll 4 year ago
There is a ton of evidence. Videos, photos, affidavits from witnesses have all been brought forth. The liberal media is trying to ignore it all. I have seen several videos myself. I know people here in Nevada who received more than one ballot and others who mailed their ballot and it was never received. Still others who voted in person and the state website says that their ballot was mailed and that is all. No record of them voting. Do some searching for yourself, you will see that I am correct.
John Thompson 4 year ago
Polls said Biden would win before the election? You just verified everything wrong with this election. Pollsters and those that believe them.
Tung Nguyen 4 year ago
Stupid, you are blind so you don 't see the vote counter who wrote on the ballot.
Casandra Tompkins 4 year ago
I am glad you mentioned the mail. I didn’t think that states other than Calif had issues with the mail. Our mail in some parts of So Calif has been delayed for months now. Every since the new Postmaster General DeVoy came on board. He shut down at least 7 sorting machines around the U.S. without replacing them. Naturally this has delayed our mail. DeVoy donated a huge amount of money ($250,000) to Pres Trump’s re-election campaign and another $250,000 to the GOP. Who is overseeing this investigation if the Postmaster General knowingly slowed down our mail system?
J 4 year ago
My searching shows the 2020 election was the most secure in American history, according to trump's own cabinet agency the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrasecurity Agency. My searching has shown no credible evidence to say otherwise, except from blatant misinformation sites.
Snake 4 year ago
Absolutely correct Mary
Mary in America 4 year ago
Dear Londoners, take my word as an American! Joe Biden was not elected and is not the President-elect! Watch the vote tallies on our election night. Pay close attention to them. President Trump has caught them cheating....Red handed! The ONLY reason World leaders (including yours) are calling to congratulate Joe Biden is because these are the same World leaders who helped Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton illegally spy on Donald Trump. Americans absolutely love President Donal Trump....even if the World does not!
America through my eyes....
Hoi Van Do 4 year ago
You're right. Mary
Mike 4 year ago
You're absolutely right!
Joe Mama 4 year ago
Oh yeah. Buried deep inside of the 5 years of relentless lies from the hate media, I almost about that.
Clif Roberts 4 year ago
Mary is a whack job, and yes Joe Biden is our President Elect. The joint election commission has already concluded that the US elections were secure and no evidence of fraud exists.
Lisa 4 year ago
Clif Roberts, There is no need to call someone names for expressing their opinion. Let's try to be rational and civil.
Sound Mind 4 year ago
More like SCARY in America... Keep drinking that conspiracy koolaid. hahahahahaha
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